Episode 87 - February 1, 2022
Chris Christenson​
Surfer, splitboarder & shaper Chris Christenson chats shapes with Chad & Darrin.
Between the surf of Long Beach and weekends at his grandparents’ cabin at Big Bear, Chris was destined for surf and snow
Rediscovered powder after trading a surfboard for a snowboard in Japan
Currently shaping surfboards in Hawai’i, eating well and living large
Chris was lucky in life, and he’s the first to admit it. Surfing waves and shaping surfboards gave him the tools he needed to shape some rad boards like the Storm Chaser, Mind Expander and Lone Wolf for Jeremy Jones that we can all enjoy today. Tune in for some amazing stories and how he shapes boards that truly shred. Plus, he graciously gives away a pair of his ThirtyTwo Bandito boots! Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time can change your life.
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